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Literary Translation

Welcome to the MA Literary Translation!

The integrative Master's programme in Literary Translation is aimed at graduates of English, Romance, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, or related programmes. It combines a research focus with excellent professional qualifications and deepens knowledge of influential European languages.

  • Questions about the programme? Contact ma-litueb(at)hhu.de.
  • Follow us on Instagram @ma_literaturuebersetzen_dus.

Please note that native speaker level German is required in order to study this programme. Non-native speaker applicants must present official, certified copies of their German knowledge at the C2 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) or a comparable language proficiency certificate for admission.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email.

Translating literature is a culture-producing practice of intercultural exchange that requires in-depth knowledge of various languages and cultures. The Master's programme in Literary Translation addresses the challenge of exploring this complex subject through a combination of theoretical questions and practical application. It is marked by a unique blend of research orientation and excellent professional qualification, unparalleled in Germany. Students are introduced to theories of translation and cultural encounters, which are particularly relevant in the context of globalisation and an increasingly internationalised book market facing challenges from artificial intelligence. Equally important is the programme's strong focus on professional fields: essential components of the curriculum include courses on translation practice and professional skills, led by experienced literary translators, as well as residencies at the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium in Straelen. General course content includes: translation theory, translation history, translation criticism, literary studies, cultural theory, linguistics, aesthetics and poetics of literary translations, genres and forms, stylistics, transculturality, as well as translation practice and professional skills.

The Master's programme in Literary Translation spans four semesters and is aimed at graduates of English and Romance Studies, translation studies, comparative literature, or related programmes.

Possible language combinations: Translation is generally done into German from the chosen source languages; the following combinations are available:

  • English and French
  • English and Italian
  • English and Spanish
  • English only
  • French only
  • Spanish only

The programme can only be started in the winter semester.

We offer appointments specifically for prospective students, where we present the programme and discuss options for customising your studies, as well as answer any further questions. Feel free to schedule an individual consultation appointment via email.

Information on admission requirements and the application process can be found here; general study information (course plans, module handbook, and examination regulations – in German) can be found here.

During your studies, you have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities. More information can be found here.